Relationship to the EQQWXMOD WAPLEXEC

The EQQWXMOD WAPLEXEC program was the prototype for many of these commands and they have been transferred into the base language of Workload Automation Programming Language. There are a few amendments in syntax to avoid conflicts with existing Workload Automation Programming Language commands and some commands have been combined.

  • The MODIFY command within EQQWXMOD becomes the ALTER command within base Workload Automation Programming Language.
  • The MOVETO command is now also part of the ALTER command with a new NEW_WSNAME keyword specifying the workstation to move to.
  • The RELEASE keyword of MOVETO has now become the DROPSUCC keyword of the ALTER command.
  • The UPDATE keyword has been moved from the PARM= route into being a keyword in each command but can still be passed via the PARM= route as this will set OPTIONS UPDATE.
  • The STATUS keyword now allows multiple status values to be specified in a single command. This was a restriction for EQQWXMOD but Workload Automation Programming Language V3.3 lifted this with changes in the core engine.
  • New commands BIND, KILL and REPLY added to this set of commands that were not part of the EQQWXMOD set.
  • The NOW keyword is not supported in base Workload Automation Programming Language, because you can use OPTIONS DATE and OPTIONS TIME instead.

The EQQWXMOD WAPLEXEC is now being deprecated and is not developed further to accommodate any new features of HCL Workload Automation for Z. Use the equivalent commands within Workload Automation Programming Language, instead.