Automatic detection of current state of operation

The Current Plan Operation commands can be targeted to perform commands that might already have been actioned in some way, either by manual operator action or some other automation.

For example, you could run a command that is trying to HOLD an operation that is already held, or add a dependency that is already present. In most cases, the HCL Workload Automation for Z PIF would fail with RC 8, but the Current Plan Operation commands check the current state before attempting to perform the command. Therefore, if you attempt to HOLD an operation that is already held, or QUEUE for an operation that is already a predecessor, Workload Automation Programming Language issues message EQQI162A and the command ends with RC 0.

If you require notification when such conflicts occur, use the SETSEV command to alter the severity of message EQQI162A to issue a return code. For example:
07/02 12.08.22 EQQI200I SETSEV 162W                                             
07/02 12.08.22 EQQI007A Message 162 changed from A to W                         
07/02 12.08.22 EQQI299I Statement completed - RC=0                          
07/02 12.08.22 EQQI200I QUEUE SUCC1                                             
07/02 12.08.23 EQQI013A Job QUEUEJOB,JOB01725 in QUEUE 1407011812 CPU1_005      
07/02 12.08.24 EQQI161A SELECTED: MODOPTEST1 1406281807 MANC_020 SUCC1 W        
07/02 12.08.24 EQQI162W No action - already in correct state                    
07/02 12.08.24 EQQI299I Statement completed - RC=4