Defining a local LU

Define a local LU in a member in the SYS1.VTAMLST concatenation on the system where you are installing HCL Workload Automation for Z. This example shows how a VTAM® APPL statement might be defined:

Local LU definition
 IS4MEOP4 APPL ACBNAME=IS4MEOP4,                                       C
               APPC=YES,                                               C
               AUTOSES=5,                                              C
               DMINWNL=3,                                              C
               DMINWNR=6,                                              C
               DSESLIM=9,                                              C
               MODETAB=APPCMODE,                                       C
               SECACPT=CONV,                                           C
               SRBEXIT=YES,                                            C
               VERIFY=OPTIONAL,                                        C

The LU is called IS4MEOP4 and uses the logon-mode table APPCMODE.

Before you can establish a session with v, a partner LU must be defined. If a partner TP is run at a different node, ensure that an LU is defined at that node.

The controller subsystem currently has tasks that use APPC. The subsystem is defined as one LU node to APPC and VTAM®.