Defining logon modes

The logon-mode table, which you specify in the LU APPL definition statement, must be in the SYS1.VTAMLIB concatenation. To enable LU 6.2 communication for z/OS, you need the VTAM® logon-mode SNASVCMG. For applications, APPC also requires at least one logon-mode entry other than SNASVCMG. You can create a new logon-mode table or add logon modes to an existing table. The name of the logon-mode table that is used by the LU and the partner LU need not be the same, but both LUs must use the same logon-mode names. That is, the logon modes used by these LUs must appear in each table, and they must have the same names. This example of an uncompiled logon-mode table contains three logon modes:

Example logon-mode table
 * Logmode table entry for resources capable of acting as LU 6.2       *
 * devices required for LU management.                                 *
  SNASVCMG MODEENT                                                     C
               LOGMODE=SNASVCMG,                                       C
               FMPROF=X'13',                                           C
               TSPROF=X'07',                                           C
               PRIPROT=X'B0',                                          C
               SECPROT=X'B0',                                          C
               COMPROT=X'D0B1',                                        C
               RUSIZES=X'8585',                                        C
               ENCR=B'0000',                                           C
 * Logmode table entry for resources capable of acting as LU 6.2       *
 * devices for PC target.                                              *
  LU62SYS1 MODEENT                                                     C
               LOGMODE=LU62SYS1,                                       C
               RUSIZES=X'8989',                                        C
               SRCVPAC=X'00',                                          C
 * Logmode table entry for resources capable of acting as LU 6.2       *
 * devices for host target.                                            *
  APPCHOST MODEENT                                                     C
               LOGMODE=APPCHOST,                                       C
               RUSIZES=X'8F8F',                                        C
               SRCVPAC=X'00',                                          C