Releasing a job on a JES3 system

On a JES3 system, the HCL Workload Automation for Z release routine does the following:
  • If the job is a local job, sends a status request to JES3 to verify that the job is known to, and held by, JES3
  • If the job is a local job, builds a release command in the following format:
    *F  J=nnnn,R                   (nnnn is job number)
  • If the job is a remote job, builds a release command in the following format:
    *T  node  *F  J=rnnn,R      (rnnn is remote job number)
  • Sends the release command to global JES3, using IATSSCM1.

On JES3 Version 2 Release 2 (or later) systems, the command is sent to JES3 using SVC 34.

Note that the remote release command assumes that the remote system is a JES3 system.