Workstation analyzer (WA)

The workstation analyzer (WA) subtask analyzes operations (jobs, started tasks, and WTO messages) that are ready to start at:
  • Automatically reporting computer workstations
  • Nonreporting workstations
  • General workstations that have the WTO option specified.
For each active workstation that is defined in the CP, the WA sends a synchronization request, to the related submit task. For a detailed description of the submit checkpoint mechanism, see Submit (SU). The workstation analyzer identifies the most urgent operation to be submitted from a list of ready operations. When an operation is selected, the JCL for the operation must be retrieved. The WA searches for the JCL in the following order:
  • JCL repository (JS file).
  • Partitioned data set indicated by the JOBLIBRARY operation user field.
  • Data set indicated by the EQQUX002 exit, if the exit is present.
  • EQQJBLIB partitioned data set concatenation.
Variable substitution is performed for the JCL if required, and the job input is imaged to the JCL repository. The EQQUX001 is called if present. A submit request, which includes the JCL and specified destination, is queued to the data router (DX) task. The workstation analyzer updates the current plan and creates a job-tracking record TRL25 to record the submit request. The operation status is changed to SU to indicate that submission is in progress.

Variable substitution is performed for the System Automation command text if required, and the result is also saved as CPLREC33. The EQQUXSAZ is called, if present. A submit request, which includes the System Automation command and specified destination, is queued to the data router (DX) task. The workstation analyzer updates the current plan and creates a tracking record to track the submit request. The operation status is changed to SU, to indicate that submission is in progress.

The WA subtask also processes any workstation operation that has a deadline WTO message specified. Operations with a deadline WTO message that have reached their latest start times are always selected first. This process continues while there are operations that can be started. The workstation analyzer subtask then waits for more work to arrive or for the next scheduled event to occur. The WA resends submit requests for operations that are flagged as having lost their submit requests.

If you specify the LATEOPER or DURATION keywords on the ALERT initialization statement, the WA is responsible for issuing the relevant alert when the condition is detected.

If you specify the WLM initialization statement, the WA regularly checks if an operation has reached particular time limits that activate the policy. These limits are specified either by default, in the WLM initialization statement and valid for all critical operations or by you, in the Modify Current® Plan or the Application Description environment and valid only for the particular operation. In these instances, the WA sends a request to the related submit task for WLM promotion.

Note: If the Workstation Analyzer subtask has no operations to schedule, it is woken up every two minutes so that message EQQE038I can be issued with two minutes of delay.