Job-tracking (EQQJTxx and EQQJTARC)

The job-tracking log contains data about all updates to the current plan. These are used during recovery to restore the current plan. The job-tracking log also contains audit trail records, which detail accesses to resources.

The job-tracking logs are linked to the new current plan data sets (EQQNCPDS). You can define a maximum of 99 job-tracking logs, with DD name EQQJTxx, where xx is the sequence number of the JT log. The job-tracking log is switched every time a current-plan copy is performed. For details, see Current plan turnover.

The job-tracking archive data set is defined by the DD name EQQJTARC, and is used by the job-tracking-log archiver subtask as a repository for JT log records associated with each new current plan. The JT archive data set is copied to the tracklog (EQQTROUT) data set by the daily plan batch programs. The NM subtask empties the JT archive data set when a daily plan batch job has created a new current plan, and NCP takeover is completed successfully.

For more information about the job-tracking-log archiver subtask, see Job-tracking-log archiver (JL).