JCL repository (EQQJS1DS and EQQJS2DS)

HCL Workload Automation for Z maintains its own copy of JCL in the JCL repository data set for every job that it submits in the current plan. HCL Workload Automation for Z uses a primary and alternate data set for the JCL repository, EQQJS1DS and EQQJS2DS. It reorganizes the JCL repository data set that is in use by copying it to the alternate data set and then switching over to use the newly copied data set. The value you specify on the MAXJSFILE keyword defines if the JCL repository should be automatically copied and how often the automatic copy process should occur. You can also request, or schedule, backups with the BACKUP command (for more information , see Managing the Workload).

JCL is stored on the JS data set for each job that has been submitted in the current plan. When an occurrence is completed, HCL Workload Automation for Z locates all records in the JS data set for that occurrence and flags them as ready for deletion. At the same time, HCL Workload Automation for Z deletes from the JS file all occurrences of the same application, which were previously flagged as ready for deletion. Because JCL records remain on the JS data set until the next occurrence of the same application is set to complete, the JS file should be large enough to hold at least one occurrence of each application that HCL Workload Automation for Z runs. If you delete an occurrence, the JCL is flagged as ready for deletion and is actually deleted when the next occurrence of that application is set to complete.

If you run an application only once, the JCL remains on the JS file indefinitely. If you run many such applications, or run many applications only occasionally, or have changed operation or application names, you can use PIF to remove these unwanted records from the JS file. Two samples, EQQPIFDJ and EQQPIFJD, are provided in the sample library, which you can use to list records in, or delete records from, the JS file.

The space released in the JS file cannot be reused until the file is compressed. The released space is therefore not available until the copy process is performed.