
These statements and parameters affect the reports that are produced by daily planning batch jobs.

Table 1. Reporting-related parameters
Statement ParametersDescription
BATCHOPTDATEFORMDate format in reports
DPROUT The ddname of the file that reports are written to
HDRS Character strings used as report headers
PAGESIZENumber of lines per page
PLANHOURStart of a plan period for reporting purposes
PREVRES Previous period results (the 24 hours before PLANHOUR)
JTOPTS PLANSTARTStart of a plan period for reporting purposes
RESOURCE FILTERSpecifies which special resources should be reported on

You can also specify in a workstation description the ddname of a file that daily planning writes reports to for that workstation. This value overrides DPROUT only for reports for the workstation.

You select which report types HCL Workload Automation for Z produces when you run a daily planning job.