Updating operation status (CP_OPER_EVENT)

You can update the following fields in a current plan operation:

Table 1. Operation fields that you can update through CP_OPER_EVENT
Field Type Size Description
STATUS CHAR 1 New status (C, E, I, Q, S, T, or X)
ERROR_CODE CHAR 4 Error code (for new status C or E)
ACT_DUR CHAR 4 Actual duration HHMM (for new status C or E)
ACT_END_TIME CHAR 4 Actual end time HHMM (for new status C or E)
EV_CREATION_DATE CHAR 4 Event creation date (01YYDDDF)
EV_CREATION_TIME BIN 31 Event creation time (100 * seconds)
JOB_NUMBER CHAR 5 Job number
New status of the operation. The following values are valid:
Set the status of the operation to complete.
Set the status of the operation to ended-in-error.
Set the status of the operation to interrupted.
Set the extended status of a started operation to Q to indicate that the operation is queued awaiting execution.
Set the status of the operation to started.
Set the extended status of a started operation to S to indicate that the operation is executing.
Reset the current status for this operation.
Error code for an operation that is reported as ended-in-error. The default value is OSIN.
Duration, in hours and minutes, of an operation that is reported as complete or ended-in-error. The operation duration cannot be 0000. If you set it to 0000 (0 hours, 0 minutes), a default duration value of 1 minute is used instead.
Time the operation is reported as complete or ended-in-error.
Date of the event that is being reported. If the field contains all binary zeros (X'00'), HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the current date.
Time of the event that is being reported. If the field contains all binary zeros (X'00'), HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the current time.
A number that you can provide for the job. JOB_NUMBER is valid only for operations at general automatic workstations and workstations that have a user-defined destination. Do not specify JOB_NUMBER for operations that are submitted through a tracker.
  • You must specify at least STATUS. The remaining field names are optional.
  • To use the value set in ERROR_CODE even if the operation status is set to Complete, ensure that the ERROR_CODE field is properly set. For a Complete operation, set ERROR_CODE to 0 or blank unless it is differently required. If ERROR_CODE is set to a value different from 0, it is processed as the original return code even if the operation status is set to Complete.

    To enable ERROR_CODE processing on Complete operations, you must have set USINRC=YES in the JTOPTS statement.