End-to-end workload environment

In an end-to-end workload environment (agent connected to the z/OS® system), you can define different types of configurations.

You can define the following types of configurations:
To run your workload statically:
Using HCL Workload Automation Agents (z-centric)
Use the z-centric end-to-end scheduling environment to schedule and control static workload from the mainframe to distributed systems with a low cost of ownership. On the distributed system, you install HCL Workload Automation Agents and connect them to the z/OS® controller.

For information about how to install the HCL Workload Automation Agent, see HCL Workload Scheduler for Z: Planning and Installation. For information about how to use the HCL Workload Automation Agent, see Scheduling End-to-end with z-centric Capabilities.

To run your workload dynamically:
Using HCL Workload Automation Agents (z-centric) with dynamic capabilities
Use the z-centric end-to-end scheduling environment to schedule and control dynamic workload from the mainframe to distributed systems with a low cost of ownership. On the distributed system, you install HCL Workload Automation Agents , add dynamic scheduling capabilities and connect them to a dynamic domain manager that must be connected to the z/OS® controller. For information about how to:
  • Install a dynamic domain manager see Installing dynamic domain components.
  • Install HCL Workload Automation Agents, see HCL Workload Scheduler for Z: Planning and Installation.
  • Use HCL Workload Automation Agents, see Scheduling End-to-end with z-centric Capabilities.