Object type - file

The following table gives the access keywords required to work with files (valid only for the command line).

You must specify the file names to which the type of access applies.

Table 1. Files - access keywords
Activity Access keywords required
dumpsec Create a text file of the settings contained in the compiled security file. display
JnextPlan Generate the production plan. build
makesec Compile the security file from a text file of the settings. modify
optman ls List all global options. display
show Show the details of a global option. display
change Change the details of a global option. modify
planman deploy Manually deploy event rules. build
prodsked Work with the production plan. build
stageman Carry forward incomplete job streams, archive the old production plan, and install the new production plan. build
agent_certificate Download certificates and JWT when installing dynamic agents display
CREATEPERSONALAPIKEY Create personal API Key. This allows the CLI or API user access CLIs and APIs. display
CREATESERVICEAPIKEY Create service API keys. Only administrators should have this permission. display
LISTALLAPIKEYS Allows listing all API Keys in the database. This allows administrators list and then revoke existing API Keys. Without this permission, single users will be able to list ONLY API Keys with same UPN (User Personal Name) as their username (personally-owned API Keys) and service API Keys they have created (personally-owned Service API Keys). display
DELETEALLAPIKEYS Allows deleting all API Keys in the database. This allows administrators revoke existing API Keys. display