J2EEJobExecutorConfig.properties file

Use the J2EEJobExecutorConfig.properties file to configure the J2EE executor

The file is located in:
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
The keywords of this file are described in the following table:
Table 1. J2EEJobExecutorConfig.properties file keywords
KeywordSpecifies...Default valueMust be customized
wasjaas.default The path to the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base configuration file (wsjaas_client.conf) used to authenticate on the external WebSphere Application Server using JAAS security.TWA_home/TWS/JavaExt/cfg/wsjaas_client.conf or TWA_home\TWS\JavaExt\cfg\wsjaas_client.confOptionally yes, if you move the file to the path you specify.
credentials.mycred The credentials (ID and password) used to establish the SOAP connection to the external WebSphere Application Serverwhen using indirect scheduling (the password must be {xor} encrypted) wasadmin,{xor}KD4sPjsyNjE\=

(ID=wasadmin and password=wasadmin in {xor} encrypted format)

Yes, see WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base documentation, for example securityUtility command to learn how to encrypt your password.
connector.indirectThe name of the communication channel with WebSphere Application Server. Selecting an indirect invoker means that dynamic workload broker uses an existing WebSphere Application Server scheduling infrastructure that is already configured on a target external WebSphere Application Server.
A single line with the following values separated by commas:
  • indirect keyword
  • Name of the scheduler:
  • soap keyword
  • Host name of the external WebSphere Application Server instance:
  • SOAP port of the WebSphere Application Server instance:
  • Path to the soap.client.props file:
  • Credentials keyword:
You must customize the following:
  • The scheduler name. Replace the sch/MyScheduler string with the JNDI name of the IBM® WebSphere® scheduler that you plan to use.
  • The host name of the external WebSphere Application Server instance.
  • The SOAP port of the external WebSphere Application Server instance.
connector.direct The name of the direct communication channel without using the WebSphere Application Server scheduler. Select a direct invoker to have dynamic workload brokerimmediately forward the job to the external WebSphere Application Server instance components (EJB or JMS). When creating the job definition, you can specify if you want to use a direct or indirect connector in the J2EE Application pane in the Application page in the Job Brokering Definition Console, or in the invoker element in the JSDL file. For more information about the Job Brokering Definition Console, see the online help.
A single line with the following values separated by commas:
  • direct keyword
  • The following string:
  • The following string:
You must customize the following:
  • The host name of the external WebSphere Application Server instance: washost.mydomain.com
  • The RMI port of the external WebSphere Application Server instance: 2809
trustStore.path The path to the WebSphere Application Server trustStore file (this file must be copied to this local path from the WebSphere Application Server instance). TWA_home/TWS/JavaExt/cfg/DummyClientTrustFile.jks You can change the path (TWA_home/TWS/JavaExt/cfg), if you copy the trustStore path from the external WebSphere Application Server to this path.
trustStore.password The password for the WebSphere Application Server trustStore file.WebAsYes