User attribute types - detailed description

The user_attribute_types and their associated values can be any of the following:

Specifies the workstation on which the user is logged in. Wildcard characters are permitted. The following HCL Workload Automation variables can be used:
Means that the user is logged in on the HCL Workload Automation master domain manager.
Means that the user is logged in on the HCL Workload Automation domain manager.
Means that the user is logged in on the HCL Workload Automation workstation on which the security check is running.
Specifies that the user is accessing HCL Workload Automation with the Dynamic Workload Console, or is logged in on any HCL Workload Automation workstation.
Specifies the name of the group of which the user is a member. Available for UNIX users. Wildcard characters are permitted.
logon={user name|@}
user name

Specifies the user ID with which the user is logged in on a HCL Workload Automation workstation. Wildcard characters are permitted. The cpu= attribute must be set to a specific workstation name (no wildcards) or @.

The user name value can have one of the following formats:
user name
The Windows user. For example if you use the user1 value in the logon field, in the Security file you have the following line:
domain\user name
The user belongs to a Windows domain. Insert the escape character '\' before the '\' character in the domain\user name value. For example if you use the MYDOMAIN\user1 value in the logon field, in the Security file you have the following line:
user name@internet_domain

The user belongs to an internet domain. The user name is in User Principal Name (UPN) format. UPN format is the name of a system user in an email address format. The user name is followed by the "at sign" followed by the name of the Internet domain with which the user is associated.

Insert the escape character '\' before the '@' character in the user name@internet_domain value. For example if you use the value in the logon field, in the Security file you have the following line:

For more information about the use of the wildcard with the domain\user name and user name@internet_domain format in the Security file, see Sample security file.

  1. If the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base security configuration option useDomainQualifiedUserNames is set to true, each user ID defined in the security file must have the format domain\username to use the product from one of the following:
    • composer
    • Dynamic Workload Console
    • logman
    • optman
    • planman
    For more information on WebSphere Application Server Liberty Base security configuration, see Changing the security settings.
  2. If the user is defined on a Windows 2003 system, or when upgrading the Windows operating system from an older version to one of those mentioned above, make sure you add the Impersonate a client after authentication right to the user settings.
Specifies any user logged in with any name or being a member of any HCL administrators group.