Alert definition details

See detailed information about an alert definition, its status, and history.

Before you begin

The Alert Definition Details page provides you with information about an alert definition, its status, and history. You can also Pause and Resume an alert generation. This page is composed of three sections:
  • Alert Definition
  • Alert Instances
  • Last 12 months history

Alert Definition

About this task

This section provides the following information about an alert, its definition and status.
Alert Name
The name of the alert. This parameter is included in the Alerts Definition json file received by HCL Workload Automation and cannot be changed by users.
Anomaly Source KPI
The KPIs that generated the alert instance (can be more than one KPI).
The time interval whose anomalies must be considered to detect an alert (for example: the last hour, or the last 10 minutes). This parameter is included in the Alerts Definition json file received by HCL Workload Automation and cannot be changed by users.
Alert Trigger
Set of conditions defining the alert. This parameter is included in the Alerts Definition json file received by HCL Workload Automation and cannot be changed by users.
The status of the alert. It can be Active or Paused.

You can pause or resume an alert generation, see Pause alert generation.

Alert Instances

About this task

The Alert Instances section contains a table with all the alert instances that have been generated. The search bar allows you to search for one ore more alert instances.The table displays the following information:
Instance ID
The ID of the alert instance.
Alert Name
The name of the related alert.
The severity of the alert instance. For details, see Basic concepts.
Detection Time
Date and time when the alert instance was generated.
The KPI that generated the alert instance.
Resolution Status
The alert instance status. Can be: Open or Resolved. If you want to dismiss an alert instance because you already resolved it, select the status Resolved in the instance row. If you want to resume an alert instance, select the status Open.

To run a detailed analysis on an alert instance, click on the Instance ID in the alert instance row. For details, see Analyzing an alert instance.

An action icon is available for each alert instance to Add a Comment about the alert instance and its resolution. Click Save to save your comments.

To view only the resolved instances, click the Resolved button on top of the Alert Instances table. To view only the open instances, click the Open button.
Note: Alert instances in Open status are automatically marked as Resolved after a time period defined by the RESOLVE_ALERTS_AFTER_DAYS parameter configured for AIDA Exporter component (default value = 1 day).

Last 12 months history

About this task

This section shows a calendar representation of the alert history for the last 12 months, highlighting the days affected by the alert.

For each day affected by the alert, a colored circle represents the daily highest severity for the alert. On hovering over each day, you can also see the daily number of alert instances generated and, if present, the Special Day label.

Click Show more to see the following months.

Pause alert generation

About this task

You can pause and resume an alert generation.

When an alert status is Active, you can pause the alert generation by running the following steps:

  1. Click the Pause button. The Pause alert generation scheduler interface opens.
  2. You can pause alert generation in two different ways:
    With immediate effect
    1. To pause alert generation with immediate effect, click the Pause Now button.
    2. The alert status changes into Paused immediately.
    3. An inline notification appears on the page, indicating that the alert has been paused. By clicking the edit link in the inline notification, you can return to the Pause alert generation scheduler.
    On schedule
    1. To pause alert generation on schedule, provide starting date and time, ending date and time for the pause, then click the Pause on schedule button.
    2. An inline notification appears on the Alert Information UI, indicating that a pause has been scheduled for the alert. By clicking the edit link in the inline notification, you can return to the Pause alert generation scheduler.
    3. According to schedule, the alert status changes into Paused.
    4. According to schedule, the alert is resumed automatically and its status changes into Active.
    5. An inline notification appears on the page, indicating that the alert has been resumed.

When the alert status is Paused, you can resume the alert with immediate effect by clicking the Resume button.

To stop all alerts generation, from AIDA left hand sidebar, select Settings and switch the alert generation toggle on off.