Objects written at more than one level

Problems occur when the same file is written at two or more session levels (for example, a top-level build session and a sub-session): the build audit for the higher-level session does not contain complete information about the file system operations that affected the file.

For example:

clearaudit /c "clearmake shuffle > logfile"

The file logfile might be written twice:

  • During the clearaudit build session, by the command invoked from clearaudit
  • During the clearmake sub-session, when the clearaudit build session is suspended

In this case, clearaudit issues this error message:

clearaudit: Error: Derived object modified; cannot be stored in VOB. 
Interference from another process?

To work around this limitation, postprocess the derived object at the higher level with a copy command:

clearaudit /c "clearmake shuffle > log.tmp& copy log.tmp logfile& del