The parallel build procedure

Before starting a build, clearmake parses the makefile to analyze the hierarchy of intermediate targets needed to build the final target.

In a serial build, clearmake constructs each target (or reuses an existing DO) before continuing the analysis of subsequent builds.

In a parallel build, when clearmake detects that a target is out of date, it dispatches the build script for that target to the host. clearmake continues to analyze the build hierarchy to detect other targets that can be built at the same time. The total number of build scripts being executed at any particular time is equal to or less than the number you specify with -J. Each target is built as soon as system resources on the build host allow.

Execution of build scripts is managed on each remote host by the VersionVault audited build executor (abe), which is invoked through standard remote-shell facilities.

For more information about parallel builds, see Setting up a parallel build.