Derived objects and configuration records

When it finishes executing a build script, clearmake or omake records the results, including build audit information, in the form of derived objects and configuration records.

A derived object (DO) is a file created in a VOB during a build or build audit with clearmake or omake. Each DO has an associated configuration record (CR), which is the bill of materials for the DO. The CR documents aspects of the build environment, the assembly procedure for a DO, and all the files involved in the creation of the DO.

Note: All derived objects created by executing a build script have equal status, even though some of them might be explicit build targets, and others might be created as side effects of the build script (for example, compiler listing files). The term siblings describes a group of DOs created by the same script and associated with a single CR.

For more information about DOs and CRs, see Derived objects and configuration records.