Listing the synchronization history of a VOB replica

The lshistory command and the History Browser (lshistory –graphical) list the synchronization history of a replica.

The output differs for your current replica and its sibling replicas:
  • When you list the history of your current replica, the output includes import events.
  • When you list the history of a sibling replica, the output includes export events from your current replica to the sibling replica.
For example, if you invoke lshistory on your current replica (and specify your current replica (boston_hub ) as the argument to the command), all imports to your current replica are listed:
cleartool lshistory replica:boston_hub@/vobs/dev

 17-Aug.11:05   susan     import sync from replica "sanfran_hub"
 to replica "boston_hub"
  "Imported synchronization information from replica "sanfran_hub".
  Row at import was: boston_hub=34 sanfran_hub=0"
If you invoke lshistory on your current replica and specify another replica ( sanfran_hub) as the argument, all exports to that replica are listed:
cleartool lshistory replica:sanfran_hub@/vobs/dev
17-Aug.11:11   susan     export sync from replica "boston_hub" to 
replica "sanfran_hub"
  "Exported synchronization information for replica "sanfran_hub".
  Row at export was: boston_hub=34 sanfran_hub=10"
17-Aug.10:54   susan     export sync from replica "boston_hub" to 
replica "sanfran_hub"
  "Exported synchronization information for replica "sanfran_hub".
  Row at export was: boston_hub=0 sanfran_hub=0"
16-Aug.09:49   susan     create replica "sanfran_hub"