GenerateDataFilters | fixedFields | FixedField

This group of elements is used to specify the optional fields and the values that limit the records considered when the data filter generation utility looks for unique combinations of values to define a set of data filters. Used only when you use automatic generation.

Table 1. GenerateDataFilters | fixedFields | FixedField
Element Description System table
expression One item of the data in the field that will be used in a WHERE clause when creating data filters and retrieving data for a user assigned to this filter. If the database is case-sensitive, must match case used in the database. Table: df_field_constraint

Field: expression

logicalFieldName Name of the logical field in the AddLogicalFields | logicalFields | LogicalField element. This name appears as a label in the advanced search field in the Data Filter user interface in Unica Platform. Table: df_logical_field

Field: logical_name

physicalFieldName Physical name of the field. If the database is case-sensitive, must match case used in the database. N/A