Crosstab report styles

Use the styles included with the global report style sheet, GlobalReportStyles.css for the crosstab reports.

Crosstab reports obtain the following formatting from the GlobalStyleSheet.css.

Table 1. Crosstab report styles

This two-columned table provides information about the items in one column and the style in the second column.

Item Style
Cells White background; 1 px medium light gray border at top and bottom
Measure cell (upper left) 1px light gray border at bottom
Complex Table Row (ctr) 2px solid black left border, bold font
Complex Table Total (ctt) Gray background, 2px solid black left border
Complex Table Total (ctth) Gray background; 2px solid black bottom border and
Table Total Rows (ttr) Gray background

The following is a crosstab report that uses the global styles.