Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | flowchartRun

Properties in this category specify how many errors are allowed in a Campaign Snapshot export, what files are saved when you save a flowchart, and the maximum number of IDs for each top-level process in a test run.



The maxDataErrorsAllowed property specifies the maximum number of data conversion errors allowed in an Campaign Snapshot export.

Default value

0 (zero), which allows no errors



This property lets you save Campaign flowchart run results in the temporary folder and database temp tables. You can adjust this option for individual flowcharts by using Admin > Advanced Settings when editing a flowchart.

For flowcharts that create artifacts that you want to save, you must set saveRunResults to TRUE. For example, if you have flowcharts that include CreateSeg processes, you must save run results. If you do not save run results, strategic segments do not persist.

When the value is TRUE, the flowchart ("underscore") files are saved and, if you are using useInDbOptimization, database temp tables persist.

When the value is FALSE, only the .ses file is saved. Therefore, you cannot view intermediate results if you reload the flowchart.

IBM® Campaign creates many temporary files in the temporary directory, which can cause file systems to be highly utilized or even full. Setting this property to FALSE makes the flowchart clean up those files after run completion. However, using a setting of FALSE is not always feasible because it prevents you from doing partial flowchart runs.

To save disk space, you can create your own script to delete files in the temporary folder, but you must never delete files for flowcharts that are currently running. To avoid flowchart failures, never delete any files from the temporary folder that are being updated or created today. For maintenance purposes, you can delete files from the temp folder if they are older than 2 days.

Default value


Valid Values




The testRunDefaultSize property specifies the default maximum number of IDs for each top-level process in a Campaign test run. A value of 0 (zero) removes the limitation on the number of IDs.

Default value

0 (zero)