Campaign | partitions | partition[n] | server | collaborate

This category applies to IBM® Distributed Marketing.


Configuration category

The collaborateInactivityTimeout property specifies the number of seconds the unica_acsvr process waits after it finishes servicing a Distributed Marketing request before it exits. This waiting period allows the process to remain available in the typical scenario in which Distributed Marketing makes a series of requests prior to running the flowchart.

The minimum value is 1. Setting this property to 0 causes it to default to 60.

Default value



Configuration category

This property was introduced in v8.6.0.6. By default and upon upgrade, the value of this parameter is False.

When True, flowchart logs for runs initiated from Distributed Marketing are logged to separate log files. Log files are created under folders with the current date to avoid an excessive number of log files in a single folder. The format of the folder name is "FlowchartRunLogs_<YYYYMMDD>".

The format of the log file name is: <CAMP_NAME>_<CAMP_CODE>_<FC_NAME>_<PID>_<LIST_CODE> _<DATE>_<TIMESTAMP>.log, where PID is the Campaign server process ID that ran the flowchart. LIST_CODE is the object code of the Distributed Marketing list, ONDC or corporate campaign from which the flowchart was run.

All user variables that are passed to the flowchart run process are logged for troubleshooting purposes.

Note: When a flowchart is opened, it initially logs to the traditional flowchart log file. When a flowchart run is initiated from Distributed Marketing, if logToSeparateFiles is True, logging is done in the new directory and file at that time.
Default value


Valid Values

True | False