Renaming marketing object types

You can change the labels and other text strings that display in the user interface for marketing object types.

The standard Unica Plan marketing object types include plans, programs, projects, approvals, and assets. You can also add custom marketing object types to meet the needs of your organization. See Marketing object types.

To rename an object type, you edit one or more of the following files:

  • <Plan_Home>/messages/com/ibm/umo/ext/ UMOConfigurationMessages_<defaultLocale>.properties (for a standard marketing object type) or UMOMktObjectConfigurationMessages_<defaultLocale>.properties (for a custom marketing object type)
    This file contains list parameters and ui parameters.
    • The list parameters define labels and text strings for the list page that displays when users select the menu item for the object type. For example, projectlist.columnList.PROJECT_STATUS.header=Status.
    • The ui parameters define labels and text strings for the pages that display data for a single instance of that object type. For example, projectsui.tabset.tab_edit_workflow.item_addTask.display=Add Task Row.
  • <Plan_Home>/conf/<defaultLocale>/sysmodules.xml

    See The sysmodules.xml file.

  • <Plan_Home>/conf/<defaultLocale>/sysmenu.xml

    See The sysmenu.xml file.

For your changes to take effect in the Unica Plan user interface, you must restart the application server and synchronize menus with Unica Platform.

If your organization supports multiple locales, you can localize the labels that display for the standard marketing object types. See Localized object types.