Removing a role

You can remove member and reviewer roles from projects.

Before you begin

If you are removing a role, note the following issues:

  • If you delete a role that has people or teams assigned to it, they are not removed from the project. Instead, they are reassigned to the Unassigned role.
  • The Unassigned role cannot be removed.
  • You cannot remove a role that has work assigned to it. You must first either assign a person or team to that role, or assign the work to a different role.
  • You cannot remove a user who is assigned to a workflow task.


  1. Navigate to the People tab for the project.
  2. You can remove a member or a reviewer role.
    • To remove a member role, click the Members/Roles icon (User with pencil image).
    • To remove a reviewer role, click the Reviewers/Roles icon (User in suit with pencil image).
  3. Select a role to remove, and click <<.

    If the role selected for removal has people or teams assigned, a warning dialog box opens. Click OK to remove the role, or Cancel to keep it.

  4. Click Save Changes.


The Select Project Members/Reviewers dialog box closes. The People tab becomes the active window. Your changes are reflected in the list of people and roles.