Adding a role

A project owner or manager might realize that the project needs another project role. For example, the organization decides that a certain project needs the Legal department to approve its collateral. If this role is not added when the project is created, the project owner can add it to the project later.

About this task

Note the following issues when you add roles:

  • You cannot add a role that already exists in the project. However, this action does not result in a duplicate or copy of the role.
  • Permissions based on project roles can be configured at the template level only. You cannot configure custom security for project roles that are added to a project after the project was created.
  • A project role must exist before you can add it to a project. To create a project role, select Administration > List Definitions > Roles. You must have the appropriate permission to access this item. Then, you can add the role to your project by using the steps that follow.


  1. Navigate to the People tab for the project.
  2. You can add a member or reviewer role.
    • To add a member role, click the Members/Roles icon (User with pencil image).
    • To add a reviewer role, click the Reviewers/Roles icon (User in suit with pencil image).
  3. Click the Roles tab in the list box on the left side of the page.
  4. Select a role to add, and click >>.
  5. Click Save Changes.


The Select Project Members/Reviewers dialog box closes. The People tab becomes the active window. Your changes are reflected in the list of people and roles.