Assigning work by role

Typically, at the beginning of a project, the project owner or manager assigns work to the members of their team.

About this task

Note the following issues when you assign work:

  • When you access the Assign All team members and reviewers to their respective tasks dialog, the project workflow is locked. Any other user who attempts to access it receives a warning message, indicating that the workflow is in use.
  • Only tasks with a status of Pending have people who are assigned to them. All other tasks remain unchanged.

To assign work by role, complete the following steps.


  1. Click the Assign Work By Role icon (Stack with arrow pointing to user image).
    Note: If the project started, a warning dialog box appears. Click OK to proceed or Cancel to cancel the assignment process.

    The Assign All team members and reviewers to their respective tasks page appears.

  2. Select one of the following options:
    • To add members to the existing assignments, select append the new user.
    • To replace anyone who is in a role, select replace the existing assignment.
  3. Click OK.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  4. Click Close.


In the workflow, all users who are assigned to roles are also assigned to the tasks associated with their roles.