About the default health rule

Before you create your own project health rules, assess the default health rule supplied by the system. You can use it as a model when you design your own customized rules for determining project health. You can also assign it to project templates as needed.

Table 1. Conditions in the default rule

% Tasks Delayed = 0 AND

% Time Overdue = 0 AND

% Budget Overrun <= 0



% Tasks Delayed <= 5% AND

% Time Overdue <= 5% AND

% Budget Overrun <= 5%



% Tasks Delayed > 5% AND

% Time Overdue > 5% AND

% Budget Overrun > 5%



When you design a custom rule for your organization, note:
  • The default health rule includes a condition that resolves to each of the possible project statuses: Healthy, Warning, and Critical. Include a condition for each status in your custom rules.
  • The operators and values for the conditions cover a complete range of possible values, without any unassigned values. The system assigns the Unknown status to any value that is not included.

    For example, you change the first condition to set the % Budget Overrun KPI to < 0 instead of <= 0. As a result, the system determines the status of under budget projects, with no task or time delays, to be Unknown instead of Healthy.

  • The sequence of the conditions affects what status the system calculates for a project.

    For example, you change the sequence of the conditions in this rule so that the condition that resolves to Warning comes first. As a result, this rule never assigns the Healthy status to any projects.