To create an editable grid


  1. Create or open the form that you want to include a data-entry grid.
  2. One the Add an Element tab click Create New Grid.
    The Create New Grid dialog opens to collect information for the grid component.
  3. From the Grid Type drop-down list, select Editable Grid View.
  4. Enter the information for the database table and other fields. See Create New Grid dialog.
  5. Click Save and Exit.

    On the Add an Element tab, click to expand the list of Form Attributes. Your grid component displays.

  6. To add a grid to a form, you must place it within a group. If the form does not already contain a group for the grid, click and drag Attribute Group Header onto the form design area then name it appropriately.
  7. From the list of Form Elements, click and drag your grid component and drop it onto the group.
  8. To add attributes, or columns, to the grid, expand the Grid Attributes list. Click and drag attributes and drop them onto the name of the grid component.
    For information about adding attributes, see Form Editor interface.

    You can change the order of the attributes by clicking an attribute name. The move icon displays above the name: click and drag that icon to move the column to the desired location.

    If you want to group some of the grid attributes together, drag an Attribute Group Header onto the grid, and then drag the grid attributes onto the group header.

  9. Click Save and Exit to save the form and return to the Form Description list page.