Alerts Settings page

The Alerts Settings page (or tab) contains sections where you customize a message subject and body and its header and footer. See To customize an alert notification message.

Customize Alerts section

The top area of the page contains the controls to customize the message subject and body.

Table 1. Customize Alerts section
Field Description

Select the locale for the custom text.

If your system supports multiple languages or locales, then for each alert you customize, be sure to supply text for all of the supported locales.

Planning Object

Select the object for which the custom text applies.

Note: Does not apply to templates.
Alert Event Select the type of alert that triggers this custom message text.
Get Alert Details Click to fill the Subject and Message Body fields with the current or default text for this alert. For certain alert events, updates the fields to display 2 subject fields and 2 message fields. See General and personalized message fields.

Contains the subject for the alert. Enter or replace text, attributes, and links to tabs to change the subject.

Message Body

Contains the message text for the alert. Enter or replace text, attributes, and links to system tabs to change the message.

Attributes / Tabs Select either Attributes or Tabs to add variables or links to system tabs to the subject or message text. See Customizing notification messages for alerts
<< To include an attribute or tab link, click its name then click << to move it into the Subject or Message Body field.

Customize Header Footer section

The bottom area of the page contains the controls to customize the message header and footer.

Table 2. Customize Header Footer section
Field Description

Select the locale for the custom text.

If your system supports multiple languages or locales, then for each alert you customize, be sure to supply text for all of the supported locales.

Get Header & Footer Click to fill the Header and Footer fields with the current or default text for this alert.
Header Contains the heading text for the alert. Enter or replace the text to change it.
Footer Contains the footer text for the alert. Enter or replace text, attributes, and links to system tabs to change.
Attributes / Tabs Select either Attributes or Tabs to add variables or links to system tabs to the subject or message text. See Customizing notification messages for alerts
<< To include an attribute or tab link, click its name then click << to move it into the Header or Footer field.