Creating flowcharts

Follow these instructions to add a flowchart to a marketing campaign. A flowchart determines the campaign logic.

About this task

You can add a flowchart to your campaign either by creating a new one or copying an existing one. Another way to create flowcharts is to use the template library to save and then reuse common campaign logic and process box sequences. For more information, read about templates. The procedure that follows explains how to create a new flowchart.

Note: If you are creating an interactive flowchart, see the HCL® Interact documentation for information.


  1. In the campaign or session to which you want to add a flowchart, click the Add a Flowchart icon Process graph with plus sign icon.

    The Flowchart Properties page opens.

  2. Enter a name and description for the flowchart.
    Note: Under Flowchart Type, Standard Batch Flowchart is the only option unless you are a licensed user of Interact. If you installed a licensed version of Interact, you can also select Interactive Flowchart.
  3. Click Save and Edit Flowchart.

    The flowchart window opens, which includes the process palette on the left, a toolbar at the top, and a blank flowchart workspace.

  4. Add a process to your flowchart by dragging a process box from the palette to the workspace.

    A flowchart typically begins with one or more Select or Audience processes to define the customers or other marketable entities with which to work.

  5. Double-click a process in the workspace to configure it.
    Important: Click Save Changes and Continue to Edit frequently while you add and configure processes.
  6. Connect the configured processes to determine the workflow of your campaign.
  7. Click Save and Exit to close the flowchart window.