Updating cell status in the TCS

Updating cell status imports run results for the cells in the TCS® from Campaign into Marketing Operations. When you update cell status, Marketing Operations imports the latest run results. The results of previous runs are irretrievably lost.

You can update cell status only if one or more cells are linked to a flowchart. You must have the Manage Campaign target cells permission in Campaign to update the cell status.

When you update the cell status, Marketing Operations places the imported information in the following read-only fields of the TCS:

Table 1. Updates made on cell status change
Field Description
Flowchart Name of the flowchart in which the cell is used.
Last Run Date and time of the last run for the flowchart containing this cell.
Actual Count Number of unique audience IDs in the cell during the last run.
Run Type Run type for the last run of the flowchart that contains this cell (production or test; flowchart, branch, or process box).