Running a flowchart

When you run an entire flowchart, the data that it generates is saved in system tables. After you run and save the flowchart, you can view the results of the run in reports.


  1. If you are viewing a flowchart, open the Run menu Arrow that points right with a menu arrow that points down icon and select Run This.

    If you are editing a flowchart, open the Run menu Arrow that points right with a menu arrow that points down icon and select Save and Run Flowchart.

  2. If the flowchart has already run, click OK on the confirmation window.

    Data from the run is saved to the appropriate system tables. Each process displays a check mark after it runs successfully. If there are errors, the process displays a red "X".

  3. Click Save and Exit (or click Save to continue editing).

    You must save the flowchart after it runs to view the results of the run in any reports. After you save the flowchart, results of repeated runs are immediately available.

    Note: If you click Save and Exit before the flowchart finishes running, the flowchart continues to run and is saved when it finishes.
  4. Click the Analysis tab and view the Campaign Flowchart Status Summary report to determine whether there were any errors in the flowchart run.