Producing a Deny Reason Analysis Report

Administrators can review a list of approvals, with the total number of denials and the percentage for each selected reason for denying approval.

Before you begin

Different reports are available for workflow approvals and stand-alone approvals. You use similar procedures to produce these reports.


  1. Click Analytics > Operational Analytics.
  2. To produce a report for workflow approvals, click Deny Reason Analysis Report for Workflow Approvals.

    To produce a report for stand-alone approvals, click Deny Reason Analysis Report for Standalone Approvals.

  3. For a workflow approval, select the project template or All Templates.
  4. You can enter the name of a specific project for a workflow approval, or enter the name of a specific approval for a stand-alone approval.
  5. You can supply start and end dates.
    The report includes projects with an end date within this date range, or stand-alone approvals with an approval due date in this range.

    To run the report for all dates, delete the default start and end date values.