Customizing the installation

You can customize Link by editing settings in the file C:\HCL\Link_<version-number>\config\config.yaml.

Review the file content for detailed description of all customization options. Post installation, if you change any of the configuration settings to activate the change, you must reinstall Link by running clean.bat followed by install.bat.

You can modify the Link UI Client configuration after installing Link without the need to reinstall the product by editing settings in this file: C:\HCL\Link_<version-number>\config\config.yaml.

To change any of the Link UI Client specific parameters, modify the related settings in the config file and save the changes. Then run the Link UI client update utility C:\HCL\Link_<version-number>\config\updateclient.bat to activate the changes.

For example, to enable HTTP transport for the Link UI:
  1. Change the Link UI specific parameters as defined in the file config\config.yaml.
  2. Change the HIP_HTTP parameter value to true:
    set HIP_HTTP=true
  3. Open an Administrative terminal window and change current folder to DesignServer:
    cd C:\HCL\Link_<version>\DesignServer\
  4. Run the Link UI client update utility.
  5. Access the Link UI running on <my Link Server hostname> server using the following http URL:
    http://<my Link Server hostname>/login