Upgrade Unica Director from 11.1 to 12.1

Before performing upgrade, ensure that you take a back up of your present installation files.

To upgrade Unica Director from 11.1 to 12.0 , you can install Director 12.0 at the same , where Director 11.1 is installed. Ensure that you stop both Director server and Agent before starting the installation of 12.0 Unica Director.

Select "Automatic database setup". Provide the existing database details, the information about ActiveMQ, Server port, Agent port similar to which 11.1 Director is using and complete your installation.
Note: There will be an error in Director installation logs, but that can be ignored. It is due to the reason that the tables already exist.

Also, the new add-on_Server- and add-on_Agent- will be installed. You must start these jars and must not start add-on_Server- and add-on_Agent-

You can also delete this add-on_Server- and add-on_Agent- files.