Installing Unica Director

Unica Director can be installed on Operating Systems supported / compatible with the Unica Campaign application. Unica Director can be installed in GUI / console mode, it does not support silent mode installation.

You can run the Unica Director installer as below:


run HCL_Unica_Director_12.1.7_win.exe

RHEL Linux / SUSE / AIX:



You will be prompted for interactive inputs to proceed with the installation.

Server and Agent Install Choose the locale Specify the locale you would want to use
Server and Agent Install Specify the Installation Directory This is the directory location where Unica Director selected components will be installed
Server and Agent Install Select the Components to Install You can select Director Server or Agent components to be installed. You can install any or both components on the same machine
Server Install Database Setup You can select Database setup option - Automatic Database Setup / Manual Database Setup
Server Install Database Setup - Type of Database - Unica Director Server can be installed with the following three types of databases:
  1. IBM DB2
  2. Oracle
  3. MS SQL Server
  4. MariaDB
Server Install Database Details

Database Hostname

Database Port

Database Name or SID

Database User Name

Database Password

Server Install JDBC Connection JDBC Connection string will be shown to user
Server Install Active MQ Server details You are required to specify Active MQ Server details such as
  1. Active MQ Broker URL
  2. Active MQ User ID
  3. Active MQ Password
Server Install Server Port Numer This port number will be used to access the Unica Director application
Agent Install Agent Port Number This port number will be used to communicate Unica Director Server to agent

After the installation is complete, you can see the installation log under the installation directory with name Director_Install_MM_DD_YYYY_HH_MM_SS.

Datasource and ActiveMQ passwords: The Datasource and ActiveMQ passwords should be in an encrypted format in the file and they should work correctly.Note: If the database or Active MQ passwords have expired or have changed then:
  1. You must go to the $INSTALLATION_PATH/Server/tools/bin path.
  2. Run the utility with the password to encrypt the password.
  3. You must replace this encrypted password in file.
For example: $INSTALLATION_PATH/Server/tools/bin/encrypt.bat -p <password to encrypt>

<Install_Path>/Server/Downloads Web logs and Server logs will be downloaded to this location. For example: Flowchart logs, Campaign web logs, Listener logs, and so on.

Note: Server port number and agent port number are the port numbers used by Unica Director server and agent respectively and are not those that are used by Unica Platform or Unica Campaign application or by the web application server. Also please ensure that these port numbers should not have been already used by other applications running on that machine and should be accessible throughout the network.