Fixed Defects

The following defects were fixed in Unica Journey version

Issue ID Defect
HMA-320706 Journey is mono partition. "Access Denied " Error displayed for user from different partitions while accessing the Journey
HMA-320622 (Regbb) While editing the non frequency based goal it should not allow to select checkbox 'mark journey as completed' when target and actual goal target is same
HMA-320585 Incorrect counts observed for stats view for journey
HMA-320300 Target object must not be null error observed for performance runs with MariaDB
HMA-320207 Document Defect : In journey "Recommended Software Environments and Minimum System Requirements" document , either first section should be of Journey or for each products should be specified.
HMA-319576 Milestone reorder is not working for pause and republish
HMA-315896 Localization Issues with journey application
HMA-320456 Db specific database information should be available in Engine file
HMA-321141 When there are leading and trailing spaces in milestone name , it is getting added as new milestone
HMA-320870 License - Entitlement consumption shown on license details page is not as per Usage report for journey
HMA-311595 Some times kafka is getting stopped and not getting restart again