Inbound Gateway configuration

The configuration must provide a mapping of incoming message properties with startSession, postEvent, and endSession API parameters.

startSession properties

Interact requires the following information for startSession API.

  • SessionId
  • Interactive Channel Name
  • Audience Level
  • Audience ID
  • Parameters
  • Rely on existing Session
  • Debug

Consider the following points.

  • Interactive channel name must be provided by reserved property name “ICName”. This is mandatory for all incoming messages. For example:

    ICName: SB_InteractiveChannel

  • Audience Level, Audience ID, and “Rely on existing session” are mapped from the “General” tab of Generic Inbound Gateway configuration.
  • For Audience ID, users can configure any endpoint property to be mapped and processed from the incoming message. The value of the audience ID must follow the below predefined format.
    "EndPointField_audienceID": [
            "n": "CustomerID",
            "v": "1",
            "t": "numeric"
  • Mapping for Session ID and debug flags can be configured from the “Channel Properties” tab of the generic inbound.
    All properties defined in the Channel properties tab are additionally passed as startSession parameters, so users can access this tab to define start session parameters. Additionally, users can pass the startSession parameters under the reserved property name “parameters” as shown below.
    "parameters": [
            "n": "country",
            "v": "INDIA",
            "t": "string"
            "n": "UACILogSeparationFileName",
            "v": "log123",
            "t": "string"

postEvent properties

Event name and event parameters can be mapped from the “Mapping” tab in Generic inbound configuration.

All event parameter mappings are passed as event parameter for the postEvent API call. Additionally, users can optionally use the reserved property name “parameters” under “events” to define the event parameters as shown below.
"events": [
        "event": "EP_contact",
        "parameters": [
            "n": "UACIOfferTrackingCode",
            "v": "5.2.ffffffffe4699811.4fad551",
            "t": "string"

endSession properties

End Session property is mapped from the “General” tab. Users can also override this configuration by providing a value to the reserved property “endSession” in the incoming message.