Generic outbound gateway implementation

Outbound gateway configuration is used to identify the information required to be sent as a part of the outbound message. This out-of-the-box implementation for generic outbound gateway is specific to the Kafka gateways.

The following is a sample outbound message that is produced by the outbound gateway implementation:
  "Gateway": "GenericOut",
  "Channel": "testChannel",
  "ic": "SB_InteractiveChannel",
  "ProcessTime": 1609841939584,
  "audienceLevel": "Customer",
  "audienceID": [
      "t": "numeric",
      "v": 1,
      "n": "CUSTOMERID"
  "OfferName": "Offer1",
  "TreatmentCode": "0.2.6e0cce60.fffffffff49103c0",
  "OfferCode": ["000000001"],
  "EP_expiration": "00/02/2012",
  "EP_Fulfillment Cost": "10",
  "EP_NAME": "Raphael Villareal",
  "EP_defaultField2": "12345",
  "EP_Field1": "InteractField1"