Triggered action user interface

Triggered Action page

The following is the triggered action page. You can add a new triggered action from here. Click besides the existing TA to get options to edit, copy, and delete the existing TA.

Add triggered action

Complete the following steps to add triggered action.
  1. Click .
  2. In the Add triggered action page, under Triggered action name, specify an appropriate name.
  3. Optional. Under Description, provide an appropriate description.
  4. Optional. Under Effective date, provide the date for the TA to be effective.
  5. Optional. Under Expiry date, provide the date for the TA to expire.

  6. Click Next.
  7. Under Trigger, expand Click to set Trigger. Under Event and Event Pattern, you can either search or select the appropriate event pattern.
  8. Under Audience Level, select the audience level.
  9. Under Condition, expand Click to set Eligibility. Click to add a condition.
  10. Under Condition type, Subject, Operator, Value, and AND/OR columns, provide appropriate values.

  11. Click Save.
  12. Under zone, you can click +Branch to add a new branch. Once you do so, you msut set the condition.
  13. Select either Automatically select the best offer or Assign a specific offer.
  14. In the From zone list, select the appropriate option.
  15. In case you selected Assign a specific offer, under Offer, click Browse to select the offer. You can also click Advanced Options to perform further settings for the offer.

  16. Click Save.
  17. Under Touchpoint name, select the channel.
  18. Under Delay type list, select one of the options.
  19. In the Delay list, select the delay time in seconds and click Save.