Runtime flow of Triggered action

The below points illustrate the run time handling of triggered actions.

  1. All the triggered actions, both old and new, created in the design time will be processed in the Interact runtime.
  2. When an event is posted or a pattern’s condition is met, all triggered actions are searched for those that have this event or pattern as the trigger.
  3. The effective and expiration date of the triggered actions are compared with the current date. Any triggered action which has expired in runtime will not be used for sending messages to the customer and a valid error message will be logged.
  4. For each of the triggered actions selected in the above steps, the eligibility rules of all its branches are evaluated.
  5. For each branch whose eligibility rule is satisfied, its offer selection policy and the usual arbitration process is applied.
  6. If there is an eligible offer, the Touchpoint selection policy is applied and the offer, together with the profile attributes, is sent to the selected Touchpoint.
  7. The new triggered actions allow a gateway to be used directly as a gateway groups in a triggered action. In this scenario, a “pass-through” gateway groups with the same name as the gateway is created for it.
  8. The user does not have to provide a channel and handler configuration in platform if the gateway is used directly as a gateway groups in the triggered action.
  9. The deployment information will display in deployment info page with new triggered action information.
  10. You can configure additional attribute in contact History to record the triggered message. You can pass values for those in postevent as parameters while posting an event which will trigger outbound triggered message..
  11. If you assign offers in the associated and deployed strategy with channel and personalize them, and in triggered message choose "Automatically select next best offer" then those offer parameterization will be applied too.
  12. If the integration with Contact Central is enabled, Contact Central is checked to determine whether a pending message should be sent to the specified channel.

    For more details, see the Triggered actions runtime workflow topic.