Running the Unica Interact upgrade tools

Run the upgrade tool for the design time environment to update the Unica Interact tables in the Unica Campaign system tables. Run the upgrade tools for the runtime environment to update the Unica Interact run time, learning, contact history, response history, and user profile tables.

Running the upgrade tool for the design time environment

Before you begin

Before you run the upgrade tool, start the web application server on the target system.

About this task

The Unica Interact design time environment uses the Unica Campaign system tables as the database.

When running the upgrade tool for the design time environment, you can stop the upgrade at any prompt by typing abort.

The user who runs the upgrade tool must have access to the appropriate database client executable files (sqlplus, db2, or osql) for the Campaign system tables data source.

The latest version of the upgrade tool (aciUpgradeTool) is in the /interactDT/tools/upgrade directory under your Unica Interact design time environment installation. Enter the requested information at the prompts to upgrade your system tables for the new version of Unica Interact. When the tool completes successfully, your upgrade process is complete.

If you have multiple partitions, configure and run the upgrade tool once for each partition.

Running the upgrade tools for the runtime environment

Before you begin

Before you run the upgrade tools, start the web application server on the target system.

About this task

The Unica Interact runtime environment uses the Unica Interact system tables as the database.

When running the upgrade tools for the runtime environment, you can stop the upgrade at any prompt by typing abort.

The latest versions of the upgrade tools are in the /tools/upgrade directory under your Unica Interact runtime environment installation. Enter the requested information at the prompts to upgrade your tables for the new version of Unica Interact. When the tool completes successfully, your upgrade process is complete.

Important: Run the SQL scripts/upgrade tools once for each server group.

Run the tools in the following order to upgrade the Unica Interact runtime environment:


  1. Run aciUpgradeTool_runtab to update the systemTablesDataSource and the Unica Interact runtime configuration properties.
  2. If you are using built-in learning, run aciUpgradeTool_lrntab to update the learningTablesDataSource.
  3. If you are using cross-session response tracking, modify the /tools/upgrade/conf/ file if necessary, and then run aciUpgradeTool_crhtab to update the contactAndResponseHistoryDataSource.

    You must modify the file if you are upgrading from Unica Interact version 8.x and if the Unica Interact runtime data source (as specified in the contactAndResponseHistoryDataSource configuration property under the Interact | general category) is not the same as the Unica Campaign system tables data source.

  4. If you are using the scoreOverride or defaultOffers tables, run aciUpgradeTool_usrtab to update the prodUserDataSource.