Run History Options window reference

The Run History Options window contains the following options.

Table 1. Run History Options window options
Option Description
Create a new run instance Rerun a specific branch or process of the flowchart using a new Run ID. Append the results, associated with the new Run ID, to the contact history table. Existing contact history remains intact.
Replace the contact history of the previous run Reuse the previous Run ID and replace the contact history previously generated for that Run ID (only for the process or branch that is being run). Contact history records that were previously generated for other branches or processes of the flowchart remain intact.
Cancel Cancel the branch or process run and do nothing to existing contact history. The flowchart remains open in Edit mode.

You cannot replace contact history if associated response history exists. Therefore, if you selected Replace the contact history of the previous run and associated response history records exist, you can choose one of two options:

  • Click OK to clear the associated response history records as well as the contact history records. This is your only option if response history exists and you want to replace the contact history from the previous run.
  • Click Cancel to cancel clearing the contact history records. You can choose Create a new run instance instead, to create a new run instance to run the current contact process.