Running or testing a process

To ensure that your configuration is successful and the results are what you expect, test run each process after you configure and connect it.

About this task

Note: When you run a process, any results from a previous run are lost.


  1. Open a flowchart for editing.
  2. Click the process that you want to run.

    If the process requires data from a source process, be sure that the source process has already run successfully so that its data is available.

  3. Open the Run menu Arrow that points right with a menu arrow that points down icon in the toolbar, or right-click the process box, and select an option:
    • Test Run Selected Process: Use this option while you build your flowchart, so you can troubleshoot errors as they occur. Test runs do not output data or update any tables or files. (However, triggers run on completion of test runs, and global suppression is applied.)
      Tip: When you test run a data manipulation process (Select, Merge, Extract, Audience), you can limit the number of records that are selected for output. Use the Limit output cell size option on the Cell Size Limit tab in the process configuration dialog.
    • Save and Run Selected Process: Do a production run. The contact processes, Mail List and Call List, write entries into Contact History. Each production run can generate contact history only one time. Contact processes that already ran for that production run can be rerun only if the contact history from the current run is first deleted. Triggers run on completion of the production run.
    Note: Running only a process or a branch of a flowchart does not increment the Run ID of a flowchart. When you run only a process or a branch, if contact history records exist, you are prompted to choose run history options before you can proceed. For details, see Updating contact history by doing a production run.
  4. When the process finishes running, click OK.


The process displays a green check mark after it runs successfully. If there are errors, the process displays a red X.