New features and changes in 9.1.1

This section describes the new features and changes that are introduced in the 9.1.1 version of Distributed Marketing.

IBM ® Knowledge Center

All product documentation is now available in the IBM Knowledge Center at:

You can browse or search within or across product families to find the topics that you need. To search within a single product, expand a product family in the Table of Contents, select a product, then enter your search term. Click the X in the toolbar to clear the Search Filter. For more information, click the Help icon at the top right of the toolbar.

Clustering on WebSphere Application Server

You can create a clustered environment in the IBM WebSphere Application Server to use within Distributed Marketing. Because Distributed Marketing is an application that is accessed by many users, such as brokers, branch managers, local sales, and partners, a clustered environment within WebSphere helps deliver scalability. For more information about creating a web-app clustered environment, see the IBM Distributed Marketing 9.1.1 Installation Guide.

Browser support

IBM Distributed Marketing supports Internet Explorer 9 and Internet Explorer 10 standards mode in this release.

Show server live clock and time zone information

You can show the server live clock and time zone information by configuring the parameter showServerLiveClock under Settings > Configuration > Distributed Marketing > UDM Configuration Settings. If the value for this parameter is set to true, a message containing the server time zone and a live clock showing the server time is displayed on the Summary and Workflow tabs in both view and edit modes, the Scheduler pop-up window, and post-task pop-up pages of Lists, On-demand Campaigns, and Corporate Campaigns. Default value of this parameter is false.

Warning message for template import

The template import used to fail to detect unpublished forms in the destination environment. The warning message on the template import page was modified to indicate unpublished forms with a blue color and an additional warning to describe the system behavior of an import if there are forms having unpublished changes.

New multi-select attribute added

While using multi-select fields, you were often required to pick multiple values from a long list. Also, it was difficult to search for values from a long list and select more than one value. To address these limitations, the existing multi-select attribute is enhanced to have a new display type: Searchable Multi-Select. You can set a type of a multi-select attribute as a Searchable Multi-Select in the Form Editor. A Select button is shown to you while editing this attribute in an object instance. When clicking this button, a pop-up dialog window is shown to you where you can search values from a long list, select more than one value that is based on search result, remove from already selected values, or clear the entire selection at one time. Selected values on the Searchable Multi-Select pop-up window are saved to the parent form when you click the Accept and Close button. More details and usage instructions of this capability are documented in the IBM Distributed Marketing guides.

Changes to workflow date and duration formats

  1. The configuration parameters beginingHourOfDay and numberOfHoursPerDay control behavior of date rippling. Earlier, the valid values for numberOfHoursPerDay parameter was 0 - 23. That is, you could not set numberOfHoursPerDay to 24 for a 24-hour clock. This restriction has been removed.
  2. If the sum of the configured values of beginingHourOfDay and numberOfHoursPerDay is past 12 midnight (that is, to next day), then numberOfHoursPerDay is set to the difference of midnight of the day and beginingHourOfDay. For example, beginingHourOfDay is set to 9 and numberOfHoursPerDay is set to 24, which means the end time goes past 12 a.m. midnight. To fix this, numberOfHoursPerDay would be set to 15, which is a difference between 12 p.m. midnight and 9, that is, beginingHourOfDay.
  3. You could only provide a start and end date for target and forecast date fields. There was no provision to provide specific time along with the date. To address this, the time selection control is added on the date selection control for Target Start/End and Forecast Start/End date fields. You can select time in 30-minute interval by using this new control.
    Note: The time control would allow you to select time only within applicable business hours based on beginingHourOfDay and numberOfHoursPerDay configuration settings.
  4. The value for the target and actual duration field was accepted as a float number with an integer part for number of days and a fractional part denoting number of hours and minutes in a day. This representation was ambiguous and an error-prone approach, so the duration control is changed to accept duration in a DD-HH-MM format. Here, you can provide:
    1. up to 999 days value for the DD field.
    2. applicable business hours that are based on the beginingHourOfDay and numberOfHoursPerDay configuration settings for the HH field, and
    3. value in 30-minute interval for the MM field.
    4. To change the existing float duration as per new representation, Workflow duration upgrade is introduced under Distributed Marketing Settings > Distributed Marketing Upgrades. This upgrade will:
      1. Calculate duration that is based on start date, end date, weekends, and blackout dates that are configured on the server for each task.
      2. If the end date is before the start date due to issues in earlier rippling logic, the duration is calculated from the earlier float duration and the end date is set based on the task's start date and duration.
      3. If start date or end date falls before/after business hours, the duration is set to the difference between the dates, where hours may be greater than configured numberOfHoursPerDay.
      4. All changes to dates and duration that are done by the workflow duration upgrade are logged to upgrade8606.log under $DistributedMarketing_Home/logs folder.

Form Edit session break lock mechanism

  1. If you tried to open a form that is already opened by the same logged in user, a warning message is now displayed with the option to break an earlier session's lock or go back to the form listing page.
  2. If you choose to break the lock of an earlier edit session, you are not able to save changes in an earlier session where the same form is opened for editing. Any action on an earlier edit session results with you getting thrown out of the edit session with the following message: Lock for this edit session has been broken.
  3. If you tried to open a form that is already opened by the same logged in user in a tab of the same browser window or different browser having the same user session, an error message is shown to you saying the form cannot be opened and the user can work on the form where the form is already open.