Known limitations

This section lists known limitations in Distributed Marketing 9.1.2.

Issue Issue ID Description
List Review export functionality exports only the records displayed on that page, and all records in the list count are not exported. Defect 146870 If there are a total of 1000 records in list, when the List Manager window is opened by clicking on counts, the first 20 records are displayed on the first page. From here, when records are exported to an excel spreadsheet using the Export link, only the 20 records are displayed.
Distributed Marketing does not support working on multiple tabs of the browser for improving security. Working in the main application window and List Manager dialog box in parallel is prohibited, as this may result in CSRF errors getting displayed on browser.
List Count is not displayed when List tables are created without indexes on the DB2 10.5 BLU database. Defect 177025 When the tables are created in the BLU-enabled DB2 10.5 database, indexes are not created. Users are not able to see the list count for Lists, On-demand Campaigns, or Corporate Campaigns.
Contact List Acceptance Progress report is not displayed in PDF format. Defect 175772 The Corporate Campaign Contact List Acceptance Progress report is not displayed in PDF format, and an error message is displayed while changing the report display to PDF format.
Template IDs must be alphanumeric. DEF058998 When creating a list, advanced list, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate Campaign, the template ID must be in alphanumeric characters only, even if automatic template ID generation is disabled.
Codes that are entered in Unicode characters produce error. DEF059161 When entering the code for a list, advanced list, On-demand Campaign, or Corporate Campaign, Unicode characters produce an error. The code must be entered in alphanumeric ASCII characters only.
User variable value cannot accept double-byte characters for SQL server database. DEF059517 When using Distributed Marketing with a SQL Server database, a user variable cannot be assigned a value that includes double-byte characters. These characters are replaced by a "?" character.