Setting in-database optimization to improve flowchart performance

Using in-database optimization can improve flowchart performance. When in-database optimization is on, processing is done on the database server and output is stored in temporary tables on the database server whenever possible.

About this task

You can apply in-database optimization in two ways: globally and for individual flowcharts. The best practice is to turn off the global configuration setting and set the option at the flowchart level.


  1. To adjust the option globally, at the partition level:
    1. Choose Settings > Configuration.
    2. Choose Campaign > partitions > partition[n] > server > optimization.
    3. Set useInDbOptimization to TRUE (on) or FALSE (off).
  2. To override the option for an individual flowchart:
    1. Open a flowchart in Edit mode.
    2. Open the Admin menu Tiny person, pencil, and circle with menu arrow icon and select Advanced Settings.
    3. Select or clear Use In-DB Optimization during Flowchart Run.

    When you save and run the flowchart, in-database processing will be used whenever possible, if you are using in-database optimization.
    Note: In-database processing cannot be done if you specify any limitations on the output cell size or if temporary tables are disabled for a process.