Testing a flowchart

When you test a flowchart, data is not written to any tables. You can then view a report of any errors in the flowchart.

Before you begin

Always save an edited flowchart before you test it.


  1. Open a flowchart in Edit mode.
  2. Open the Run menu Arrow that points right with a menu arrow that points down icon and select Test Run Flowchart.

    The flowchart runs in test mode, so data is not written to any tables.

    Each process displays a check mark if it runs successfully. If there are errors, the process displays a red "X".

  3. Use one of the Save options in the toolbar.

    If you click Save and Exit before the flowchart finishes the test run, the flowchart continues to run and is saved when it finishes. If anyone reopens the flowchart while it is still running, any changes made to the flowchart are lost. For this reason, always save a flowchart before you run it.

    To pause the run, right-click the process box and select Run > Pause This.

    To stop the run, right-click the process box and select Run > Stop This.

  4. To determine if there were any errors in the flowchart run, click the Analysis tab and view the Campaign Flowchart Status Summary report.