Options for packaging flowchart data

Select Admin > Collect Flowchart Data to package flowchart files to send to IBM ® Technical Support. When prompted, specify the options described in this topic.

Table 1. Options for packaging flowchart data
Item Description of what is included Additional specifications you may set
Select Default Items check box All data commonly required for troubleshooting flowcharts, including all of the listed items except log files and the contents of the user table and contact history table.
Flowchart The flowchart .ses file. Include run results? Optionally include or exclude the runtime data files, also called the "underscore" files.
Flowchart Log The flowchart .log file. Optionally set start and end time stamps. If you do not set them, the default is the entire log file.
Listener Log The unica_aclsnr.log file. Optionally set start and end time stamps. If you do not set them, the default is the entire log file.
Startup Log The AC_sess.log file. Optionally set start and end time stamps. If you do not set them, the default is the entire log file.
Web Message Log The AC_web.log file. Optionally set start and end time stamps. If you do not set them, the default is the entire log file.
Campaign Configuration The .config file, which lists configuration properties and settings from your Campaign environment to help troubleshooting the flowchart.
Campaign Custom Attributes The customcampaignattributes.dat file, which lists attribute name and value pairs for Campaign custom attributes. Only entries that are related to the current campaign are included.
Cell Custom Attributes The customcellattributes.dat file, which lists attribute name and value pairs for Campaign cell custom attributes. Only entries that are related to the current campaign are included.
Offer Definitions All rows are included for each of the following offer-related system tables:UA_AttributeDef.dat, UA_Folder.dat, UA_Offer.dat, UA_OfferAttribute.dat, UA_OfferList.dat, UA_OfferListMember.dat, UA_OfferTemplate.dat, UA_OfferTemplAttr.dat, UA_OfferToProduct.dat, UA_Product.dat, UA_ProductIndex.dat
Target Cell Spreadsheet Data The targetcellspreadsheet.dat file, which includes data from UA_TargetCells for the entire target cell spreadsheet. Includes data for the current campaign, in column/row-delimited text format.
Custom Macro Definitions The custommacros.dat file, which includes the following fields from UA_CustomMacros, in column/row format: Name, FolderID, Description, Expression, ExpressionType, DataScrName, DataVarType, DataVarNBytes, CreateDate, CreatedBy, UpdateDate, UPdateBy, PolicyIS, ACLID
System Table Mapping The systablemapping.xml file. Includes all system table mappings, including the data source.

+ Include System Table Contents

When you select this option, it expands to list all system tables.

Select each system table to include. The entire table will be included (all rows and all columns).

If you do not select any sub-options, the package will not include any system tables.

+ Include Contact History Tables

When you select this option, it expands to show the contact history and detailed contact history tables for each audience level.

For each set you select, the package will include the contact history and detailed contact history records for that audience level.

You can optionally set start and end time stamps. If you do not set them, the default is all records.

If you do not select a suboption, the package will not contain any contact history table information.

+ Include Response History Tables

When you select this option, it expands to show response history tables for all audience levels.

For each table you select, the package will include the response history records for that audience level.

For each table you select, you can optionally set start and end time stamps. If you do not set them, the default is all records.

If you do not select a table, the package will not contain any response history table information.

+ Include User Table Contents

When you select this option, it expands to show the user table contents that you can select for the package.

Select the user tables from the flowchart to include.

If you do not select any, the package will not include any user table contents.

For each user table that you select, you can optionally set maximum number of rows to include. If you do not set a maximum number of rows, the package will include the entire table.

+ Include Strategic Segments

When you select this option, it expands to show all the strategic segments that you can select for the package.

Select the segment data for each strategic segment from the flowchart that you want to include.

+ Include Stack Trace Files

Option available for UNIX versions only.

When you select this option, it expands to show the list of stack trace files (*.stack) in the same directory as unica_aclsnr.log.

Select the stack trace files that you want to include in the package. If you do not select any suboptions, the package will not include any stack trace files.